Jay & Liz McClellan, K8DC & K8DCL
This event is a combination road rally, scavenger hunt and trivia contest coordinated using ham radio. Teams of 2 or 3 drive to checkpoints and compete to solve puzzles, find items and answer questions while communicating with a Net Control Station. Bonus points are earned by answering trivia questions over the air, and there’s a bonus for having a non-licensed person talk on the air under supervision of a licensed control operator so non-hams are encouraged to participate.
Our first-ever Radio Rally was held November 16th, 2019 and we had 15 people participating on 6 teams, including several non-hams. Participants had a great time, as did we. Congratulations to our two winning teams, who tied for first place and split the $100 prize donated to charities of their choice.

In order to encourage others to host similar events, we’ve put together a Getting Started Guide along with all the documents we used for our event, that you can download using the links below: